Monday, July 12, 2010

Hey guys! So it's been a long time since I have blogged and maybe no one reads this, but that's ok(haha). Well, we had our June desperation conference a few weeks ago and it was awesome! I believe a lot of the people who went really experienced breakthrough and there were definately salvations!!! Praise God! Our July conference starts in three days and we're expecting more people and I know God's going to prove himself faithful in revealing his love. I had such a great time at conference. I have regularly been going to these conferences since I was in high school, but this year is different since I am working behind the scenes. It's so great to be a part of something I know impacts the kingdom in a huge way. It's so rewarding seeing all those kids come and enjoy their time here, but more importantly ENCOUNTER GOD! It's something else to be with them worshipping and knowing that there are youth out there who want more of God and enjoy being in His presence. If these kids who are on fire for God, keep moving in the direction they're going we're going to see revival in this nation and a love that cannot be quenched. I'm so excited for my generation and the time that we're in. I know there are crazy things happening in the world, but at the same time, GREAT things! We need to keep praying for this generation so that we can go further than where other generations have gone. So, lets pray hard, fast regularly, love authentically, and seek diligently!

For His Reward,
Desperation Leadership Academy