Sunday, February 28, 2010

first blog EVER!

Oh hey guys! For my first blog I thought i might just let you know what goes on in DLA during the week, so here's our schedule since some of you were interested:
mondays: this day is our sabbath, so we can stay home and relax, do homework, chores... etc.

God Time
Each day we meet in the World Prayer Center at New Life for God time at 9am which goes until 10:30. There's usually someone either playing piano or guitar while we pray and it's such a wonderful way to start out the day. Being with God in the place of prayer first thing in the morning makes a HUGE difference in my day! I highly recommend it to all.

After prayer time is over, we go straight to class which is Theology on Tuesdays and Thursdays and Christian Living on Wednesdays and Fridays. We have class for 2 hours where we learn a lot of good stuff and have a fun time debating and talking about some pretty deep topics.
After class gets out we have our lunch break until 1:30. During this time, a lot of us love to play 4-square which is a huge thing for a lot of people over in the WPC (just thought I'd let you know).

Ministry Tribes
Every day from 1:30-5pm we break out into our Ministry Tribes. This is our time to work on things for the church and it's many events and nightly meetings. I am in the Conference Tribe which means we get everthing ready and put together for the Desperation conferences that are held in the summer. My specific roles are late night events during the conference, youth pastor events/meetings/Summit, and marketing.

Furnace Prayer Meetings
There is one every day of the week, but only have to attend 2 of them. I usually go to the late night one on Friday which is from 10 till midnight and Revival Town which is on Tuesday nights 6:30-8pm. DLA and theFurnace have to be there at 6 in order to meet our requirements, so we have what we like to call, pre-prayer prayer.

Nightly Meetings
_tag: youth group on Wednesdays, 7-9pm, mandatory for all DLAs and we have pre-tag prayer at 6
the Gathering: Thursdays night meetings for Furnace and DLA. Dan Perkins usually leads this meeting. Also, we pick up our green cards at this meeting that we fill out to and give to our accountability leaders that lets them know if we met all of the Furnace requirements for that week.
theMILL: Friday night service from 7-9pm for college students and 20-somethings led by Aaron Stern.

We have accountability at 9 in our groups and then DLA attends the 11 o'clock service and we all sit in section 10 as one big happy family:). Afterwards, we go home and serve our host families from 2-5 if they have anything for us to do for them.

Other random things
We have to be in the Furnace prayer room for 2 hours each week
Saturdays rotate. It's either a personal(we do whatever), accounabilty(we hang out with our accounability groups), or a home sponsor Saturday(we hang out with our host families and do things like snowboard:).

ok whew. Yeah, it's a lot of stuff, I know. But really fun, exciting, challenging, rewarding, the list goes on... I expect that most of you sill skim this post, but if you do read and get this far, congrats. You're either really bored by this point or you're my mom. If any of you have questions about this or just anything at all, I would love to hear from you! Prayer requests are also great!

1 comment:

  1. I almost forgot... we also have Desperation Mobilization where each tribe has to call youth pastors once a week to see if they would like to come to one our conferences. Conference tribe does it on Fridays. I talked to a lot people from the south so far and sometimes the accents were a little hard to understand. lol
